A Game / A Prompt

Just for fun, we want to play a game. There are no winners. There are no losers. There are no prizes. Just a prompt.

If there is enough interest, we’ll do more of these in the future.


It’s November 25th; Mercator’s Night is just a week away.

For good or ill, Mercator’s Night (Mercatorsnacht, Merca Utsav, Merročki Noć, Mrec-tamash, etc.)  is arguably the most widely — and diversely — observed holiday in the world. Whether as a joyful celebration or a mournful commemoration, Mercator’s Night impacts us all.

Tell us how your family observes Mercator’s Night. What rituals are performed? What foods are served? Are these local customs, or national, or is your’s an immigrant family, still observing Mercator’s Night as it’s done in the old country? Or has your family developed its own customs and rituals?

What does Mercator’s Night mean to you, personally?


Set your response in any world, any country, any time, using any narrator and any family (including any definition of family you like). Make the meaning of this fictitious holiday anything you want (you CAN use real world elements and references, but you don’t need to), just make it robust enough, detailed enough, and imaginative enough that we believe in it (or believe that a world could exist in which it is true).

Post your response on your blog, with a link back to this page. Then reply to this post with a link to your entry, preferably by Mercator’s Night (December 2nd).


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