Support Us

Greetings, Gentle Reader.

It would be insulting, I suspect, to inform you that the production of a magazine, even an online magazine where the costs of physical production are relatively negligible and the staff volunteers, costs money. Almost all of the cost of running the magazine consists of paying the writers and artists, all of whom deserve substantially more than they receive.

Unfortunately, while our sponsor and spiritual leader, Sir Reginald, has been unfailing in his moral and inspirational support, due to some unfortunate circumstances that are not quite unrelated to his being entirely fictitious, he has been inexcusably lax in funding this endeavor.

Which means, if we want the writers and artists to get paid, it falls on me to come up with the money.

Here, Gentle Reader, is where you can help.

We would love you to buy our publications. Our first anthology, Clowns: The Unlikely Coulrophobia Remix, is available for sale at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo. Currently in e-book only, but it will be available in print in a couple weeks.

This, really, is the best way to support us — buy our books.

The magazine itself is available free online, and Issues 1-7 are available for free download in PDF format. Issues 8-12 are available in PDF format to subscribers. Subscriptions are still free. Offering the issues in PDF format has given us opportunity to use higher resolution images where possible, and to play with layout. The download links are below. Above that is a paypal button.

You don’t have to push the paypal button to download the magazine. If you don’t, we won’t even know, and you won’t have to hide from us if ever we’re in the same place.

Thank you,

Bernie Mojzes


Download PDF versions of Unlikely Story


Current Issue:
Issue 12: The Journal of Unlikely Academia -- November 2014
Starting with Issue 8, PDF versions of Unlikely Story will be available
only via email subscription. Subscriptions are FREE (see our post for details).
Just email unlikelystory (at) requesting a subscription.


Back Issues
PDF Available by (free) subscription only:
Issue 11.5: The Journal of Unlikely Coulrophobia — April Fools’ Day, 2015
Issue 11: The Journal of Unlikely Cryptography — February 2015
Issue 10: The Journal of Unlikely Entomology — November 2014
Issue 9: The Journal of Unlikely Cartography — June 2014
Issue 8.5: The Journal of Unlikely Story Acceptances — April Fools’ Day, 2014
Issue 8: The Journal of Unlikely Cryptography — February 2014
PDF Available online: