Posted by admin on Monday, August 19, 2013 · Leave a Comment
Mark Brady grew up and lives on Long Island, New York, where he is a software developer at a financial lending company. He fell in love with fractal art many years ago, and has been creating his own for about seven years. These days, he primarily uses Mandelbulb3d to create his images, but also uses Ultrafractal and Incendia on occasion. You can see more of his work at
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Clowns: The Unlikely Coulrophobia Remix is hot off the presses! So get your hot, pressed clowns today! Or if you prefer your clowns cold-pressed, never fear. A clown is nothing if not adaptable.
22 tales to horrify and delight, by authors Derek Manuel, T. Jane Berry, J.H. Pell, Jeff Wolf, Kristen Roupenian, Carolyn M. Yoachim, Mari Ness, Evan Dicken, Carlie St. George, Line Henriksen, Virginia M. Mohlere, Dayle A. Dermatis, Jason Arias, Joe Nazarre, Karlo Yeager-Rodruigez, Sara K. McNeilly, Chris Kuriata, Cassandra Khaw, Cate Gardner, Charles Payseur, Chillbear Latrigue, and Holly Schofield, with an introduction by Robin Blyn and illustrations by Bryan Prindiville.