Astrid Budi is a freelance visual artist based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Her childhood dream was to be a comic artist. Right now she’s busy doing illustrations and storyboards for TV commercials in her home country, but she still hopes to some day realize her dream. She enjoys drawing girls and children the most, and thinks black and white are two of the most wonderful things in the world. Aside from drawing professionally, in her free time she mostly travels and watches a lot of black and white movies of any kind. You can contact Astrid via email at, or just browse through her rarely updated personal works at

Clowns: The Unlikely Coulrophobia Remix is hot off the presses! So get your hot, pressed clowns today! Or if you prefer your clowns cold-pressed, never fear. A clown is nothing if not adaptable.
22 tales to horrify and delight, by authors Derek Manuel, T. Jane Berry, J.H. Pell, Jeff Wolf, Kristen Roupenian, Carolyn M. Yoachim, Mari Ness, Evan Dicken, Carlie St. George, Line Henriksen, Virginia M. Mohlere, Dayle A. Dermatis, Jason Arias, Joe Nazarre, Karlo Yeager-Rodruigez, Sara K. McNeilly, Chris Kuriata, Cassandra Khaw, Cate Gardner, Charles Payseur, Chillbear Latrigue, and Holly Schofield, with an introduction by Robin Blyn and illustrations by Bryan Prindiville.