Nightmare of Violence
Posted by admin on Friday, November 22, 2013 · Leave a Comment
Katerina Apostolakou lives in Sparta, Greece, where she was born and raised. She studied law at the University of Athens, and has worked as a lawyer. She is interested in psychology, philosophy, literature, and music. She has been painting for the last ten years. Through her art, Katerina explores elements of the unconscious and subconscious through expressionistic figures, which represent the condition of humanity and of the individual at the same time. The inner and social implications of being are both expressed through the symbolic personification of basic feelings such as fear, angst, desperation, love, need and other psychological categories. You can see more of her work here:
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Clowns: The Unlikely Coulrophobia Remix is hot off the presses! So get your hot, pressed clowns today! Or if you prefer your clowns cold-pressed, never fear. A clown is nothing if not adaptable.
22 tales to horrify and delight, by authors Derek Manuel, T. Jane Berry, J.H. Pell, Jeff Wolf, Kristen Roupenian, Carolyn M. Yoachim, Mari Ness, Evan Dicken, Carlie St. George, Line Henriksen, Virginia M. Mohlere, Dayle A. Dermatis, Jason Arias, Joe Nazarre, Karlo Yeager-Rodruigez, Sara K. McNeilly, Chris Kuriata, Cassandra Khaw, Cate Gardner, Charles Payseur, Chillbear Latrigue, and Holly Schofield, with an introduction by Robin Blyn and illustrations by Bryan Prindiville.